Real Estate & Personal Property of
N178 Lawn RoadSeymour, WI 54165
Located: 5 miles north of Seymour on State Hwy 55 to Shady Road, then 2 miles west on Shady Road to Lawn Road, then north on Lawn Road to the property. Watch for auction signs.
Saturday, March 08, 2025 Starting at 10:30 AM
Lunch Available on Grounds
112.67 ACRE FARM TO BE OFFERED IN THE FOLLOWING PARCELS: PARCEL 1: The buildings and 42.67+/- acres of land in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31, being tax parcel number 030313300000. Property includes a 2-story home, consisting of a kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom, and one bedroom on the main level, and three bedrooms upstairs. Appliances included. There is a partial basement w/an oil forced-air furnace, and laundry area. Outbuildings consist of a 10’x10’ garden shed; a 72’x38’ barn, setup for livestock with 29 stalls, with 24 stanchions on the upper level, and including the bulk tank, vacuum pump, barn cleaner, and a silo unloader; 18’x23’ granary; 12’x25’ milkhouse; and a 90’x60’ shed. PARCEL 2: 40 acres of land in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 31, being tax parcel number 030313400000, being 34+/- acres agricultural, 6+/- acres ag forest. PARCEL 3: 30 acres of agricultural land, being part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32, known as Lot 2 of Certified Survey Map 2691, being tax parcel number 030321100010. PARCEL 4: The property as a whole or any combination of parcels to suit the buyers. REAL ESTATE WILL BE SOLD AT NOON IN A HEATED SHED.
REAL ESTATE TERMS: This property is being sold to settle an estate. Representatives shall have seven (7) days to accept or reject bids on the real estate. Buyer will be expected to sign an offer to purchase and give an eight (8%) percent down payment on the day of the auction with balance due at closing in forty-five (45) days. Offer will be written as a cash offer, not subject to financing. Transaction will be closed by a title company to guarantee clear title and property is being sold “As Is” with no warranties of any kind other than that the property shall be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. Taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. EIGHT (8%) PERCENT BUYER’S PREMIUM on real estate only.
OPEN HOUSE: Will be held on SATURDAY, MARCH 1st from 1:00 to 3:00 PM with a member of Nolan Sales present to answer questions about the property.
AUCTIONEER'S NOTE:Don was the keeper of the family farm, and he practiced sustainable farming. A new metal roof will be installed on the barn, granary, and milkhouse in late March or early April.
MACHINERY: 1991 Case IH 5140 tractor w/cab, 4x4, IH 510 loader, 10178 hrs, sn: JJF1008335; IH 706 tractor, wide front, diesel, 31 hrs on engine overhaul; Farmall W-6 tractor, wide front; Farmall H tractor, narrow front w/loader, sn: 2356 75 X1; Claas Rollant 46 round baler; Tyler fertilizer spreader, tandem axle; H&S 16’ steel bale thrower rack; Schuette 16’ steel bale thrower rack; OMC 432 grinder mixer; H&S 235 manure spreader; Brillion 10’ cultipacker; John Deere 1209 9’ haybine, pull-type; IH 10’ grain drill; 10’ cultipacker, pull-type; Papec chopper w/hay head, sn: 350EA-14901; Little Giant 40’ hay & grain elevator, sn: 33963; 3pt. Forklift; Pickup box trailer; IH 4-row corn planter, pull-type; 4-bottom plow; Oliver 12’ disc; Allis Chalmers 12’ field cultivator; 300 gallon diesel tank w/hand pump; Wood hauler spreader; Tractor tire chains - 2 sets; Portable round bale feeder; Round bale spear; Tractor duals; Various implement tires; (2) Loyal plastic carts; Running gear; 4-row cultivator; Fine drag, pull-type.
SPECIAL ITEMS: 2003 Chevrolet Trail Blazer, 4x4, 205166 miles; Misc. cattle water tanks; Antique 1-bottom walking plow; (2) Milk strainers; Arps 70 3pt 8' snowplow, Model J91, sn: 1826; Zero-turn mower; Honda rototiller; Boat trailer; Landscape blocks.
SHOP TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: Matco tool box, upper & lower; Handy 1000 pressure washer, electric; Lincoln 225A stick welder; Drill press; Campbell 5hp air compressor, upright; Cement mixer, electric; Misc. tool boxes; Pallet of various lubricants; Wheelbarrows, tandem; Sunex 3-5 ton floor jack; Extension cords; Hand tools; 4.0 Shop Vac; Shop carts; Hand post pounder; Portable air tank.
HOUSEHOLD & ANTIQUES: Bedroom set; Sewing machine cabinet, wood w/drawers; Antique child's/small dresser w/mirror; Antique wood desk; Lazy-Boy recliner; Antique radio; Vintage kitchen table w/4 chairs.
Sale clerked by Nolan Auction, Inc. Regular auction terms-cash or personal check. Everything sold as is, where is. No warranties.
Nolan Sales LLC, P.O. Box 486, Marion, WI 54950
Phone: (715) 754-5221 or toll-free 1-800-472-0290
Tim Nolan & Gerald "Sonny" Nolan - Registered Wisconsin Auctioneers
License #165 and #142
Nolan Sales LLC, P.O. Box 486, Marion, WI 54950
Phone: (715) 754-5221 or toll-free 1-800-472-0290
Tim Nolan & Gerald "Sonny" Nolan - Registered Wisconsin Auctioneers
License #165 and #142
Contact Nolan Sales Today!
715-754-5221 or 800-472-0290
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N178 Lawn Road (Seymour, WI) 54165