Nolan Sales LLC has been in the farm auction and real estate business since 1953. Our professionals will appraise your real estate and auction items, then give you selling aids and ideas to help you get top dollar!
We have handled just about every type of auction during this period of time. Thousands of auctions have been conducted. When Nolan Sales conducts an auction sale, we handle your complete sale including the following: We furnish a person who posts auction bills. We have a steam cleaning system to clean your equipment. We furnish help to come and set up your sale and clean up your cattle.
We furnish catalogs showing your cattle's records. Your property is advertised on the Internet, radio and newspapers. We furnish a cow ring. We pay all of the advertising costs. We furnish on-the-spot credit to buyers on the auction sale. You get your cash the night of the auction. In the event that you want to sell your property outright, Nolan Sales will give you a cash offer on your farm and personal property.
We have computerized mailing lists for almost all types of auctions. Buyers who inquire on real estate are filed on our office computer and later matched with information on our listed auctions and real estate.
During the past years, we have bought and sold many properties. If you desire an immediate sale, contact us to discuss a cash buyout.
Sometimes it is to the advantage of the buyer and seller to make exchanges on real estate. Nolan Sales has completed many exchanges which may have many benefits for buyers and sellers.